What is Quidditch?
Quidditch is a full contact, co-ed sport that involves a variety of positions. There are seven players on a team, and all players must carry a broom between their legs as they play. Tackling must be one-armed and kept between the shoulders and knees. Players may tackle only opposing players of their own position. Though it appears chaotic and bizarre at first glance, familiarizing yourself with the general rules of gameplay or watching some games with an experienced player will help you to understand the game.
The Positions of Quidditch
There are 4 types of players: Chasers, Keepers, Beaters and Seekers.
Chasers: Chasers are the main offensive, scoring players in Quidditch. They score points by throwing the "quaffle," a slightly deflated volley ball, through one of the other team's 3 hoops, earning 10 points per goal. Chasers must also be able to tackle opposing players and protect their hoops in conjunction with the Keeper and Beaters. Chasers wear white headbands, and there are 3 of them per team.
Keeper: The Keeper is a Chaser with a twist; when defending, keepers serve as goalies. Much like their soccer/hockey/lacrosse counterparts, they are given protections from opposing players. If the Keeper possesses the quaffle inside his zone, the area around the hoops, he cannot be tackled or beat (see beaters below), making him a valuable defensive player. In all other situations, Keepers and Chasers are considered to be of the same position. There is only one Keeper per team, and they wear a green headband.
Beaters: Beaters are defensive players, using "bludgers," dodge balls, to knock players out of the game for short periods of time. When hit with a bludger, a player must drop any ball in their possession, dismount their broom, and tag one of their own goal posts in order to rejoin the game. Any player can be "beat" or "bludged" by a Beater except for a Keeper in the Keeper Zone. Though each team has two Beaters (four total in a game), there are only three bludgers, giving the team that secures two bludgers a defensive advantage. Beaters contribute offensively as well by clearing a path to the goals for their Chasers. Beaters wear black headbands.
Seekers: A Seeker's goal is to catch the Snitch, a ball in a sock hanging off the back of a person's shorts. The Snitch is worth 30 points, and its capture ends the game. After a 18 minutes of gameplay, the seekers are released to pursue the snitch until it is caught. Each team has only one Seeker, and they wear a yellow headband.
Chasers: Chasers are the main offensive, scoring players in Quidditch. They score points by throwing the "quaffle," a slightly deflated volley ball, through one of the other team's 3 hoops, earning 10 points per goal. Chasers must also be able to tackle opposing players and protect their hoops in conjunction with the Keeper and Beaters. Chasers wear white headbands, and there are 3 of them per team.
Keeper: The Keeper is a Chaser with a twist; when defending, keepers serve as goalies. Much like their soccer/hockey/lacrosse counterparts, they are given protections from opposing players. If the Keeper possesses the quaffle inside his zone, the area around the hoops, he cannot be tackled or beat (see beaters below), making him a valuable defensive player. In all other situations, Keepers and Chasers are considered to be of the same position. There is only one Keeper per team, and they wear a green headband.
Beaters: Beaters are defensive players, using "bludgers," dodge balls, to knock players out of the game for short periods of time. When hit with a bludger, a player must drop any ball in their possession, dismount their broom, and tag one of their own goal posts in order to rejoin the game. Any player can be "beat" or "bludged" by a Beater except for a Keeper in the Keeper Zone. Though each team has two Beaters (four total in a game), there are only three bludgers, giving the team that secures two bludgers a defensive advantage. Beaters contribute offensively as well by clearing a path to the goals for their Chasers. Beaters wear black headbands.
Seekers: A Seeker's goal is to catch the Snitch, a ball in a sock hanging off the back of a person's shorts. The Snitch is worth 30 points, and its capture ends the game. After a 18 minutes of gameplay, the seekers are released to pursue the snitch until it is caught. Each team has only one Seeker, and they wear a yellow headband.